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Welcome to St. John's Catholic Primary School


On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I am delighted to welcome you to our school website. We hope that our website will give you an idea of what makes St John's the special, spiritual and enriching environment which we are all proud to be part of.

St John's is a one form entry Catholic primary school in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire serving the parishes of Our Lady Help of Christians, St John the Evangelist, St John Fisher, and St Bede's. The school is also part of the All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT) with four other schools: St Joan of Arc Catholic School, Holy Rood Catholic Primary School, St John Fisher Catholic Primary School and Divine Saviour Catholic Primary School.  

We have high standards for academic achievement with progress and attainment consistently above the national average. However, our school is about so much more than just results. Everything we do is underpinned by our Catholic faith and we work in partnership with parents and the Church to provide opportunities to develop and grow the spirituality of our children. We believe that each and every person is created uniquely and yet equally in the eyes of God. Each with their own unique set of God-given gifts and talents. Our aim is to see that these gifts and talents are nurtured and realised during the children's time at St John's. Our mission statement, 'Learning and Living God's Truth in Love' is at the heart of our Catholic ethos which permeates all areas of school life and as one of our pupils said, 'Faith is the beating heart of our school.'

At St John's we pride ourselves on working together to create a community based on strong relationships and a shared Christian faith. With this in mind, we ensure that all children are welcomed and nurtured within a supportive partnership between school, home and parish. We are supported by our parish priests; Fr Andrew and Fr Matteo, our dedicated governing body, our Academy Trust partners and our committed and enthusiastic Parents Association.

We know that children learn best when they feel happy, secure and well cared for, therefore our first priority is the provision of strong pastoral care and a focus on the mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing of all our children. We aim to develop in our children a passion and love for learning by providing an enriched, broad and balanced curriculum that delivers high quality, inclusive education for all, so that each child may reach their full potential.

As a result of our strong community links, shared ethos and values, pastoral care and curriculum offer, we are a happy and successful school committed to providing an excellent and inspiring education for all our children.


Mrs P O'Donnell

Executive Headteacher